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My son started T-Ball this year and I absolutely love it! It’s so much fun to see him grow as a person and as a teammate. His skills started off a little rough, but man, has he grown! And with that increase in skills, his love for the game has grown as well!
I have zero background in baseball, so everything this year has been new to me. Before the season started I had to ask around and figure out how to get him started on a team and then trying to figure out what gear he needed was a whole other issue! I am a planner and I like details and some organizations are just not run that way…but I digress…It’s been a learning curve for all for us. A change in our daily routine – 2 games and a practice every week can really mess with your rhythm and knowing where to be and when has been a bit challenging to this new-to-baseball family. But we’re making it.
One area I was excited to learn about was that the parents take turns being responsible for bring the kiddos game-day snacks. Now that is something I can get on board with! I love being “that mom”. You know the one, the over achiever type, but I also don’t have a ton of time to hand draw baseballs onto fruit cups (It’s adorable, but come on!). So I thought I’d show you the game day snacks that I put together for my son’s T-Ball game tomorrow.
Here’s a look at what I put into their baseball game day snacks bags and where you can find everything I included!
Of course you’ve got to include Cracker Jacks !
How cute are these tiny foam fingers ! Everyone loved them!
Everything fit easily in the bag and my son loved putting them together with me!
If you’d like to see more tips like these, follow me on Pinterest!