I don’t own cowboy boots. There, I said it. Apparently just because I live in Texas, I’m supposed to own cowboy boots. Well, I don’t. Every year, the rodeo comes around and people break out those boots from the back of their closets and I say to myself, “Stacy, you should get some boots.” And then I don’t. At this point in my life, I give up. I’ve never been the cowgirl type of girl. Yes, I grew up on 10 acres of land. Yes, my dad has a huge garden and free roaming chickens. And yet, still no cowboy boots.
So dressing for the rodeo every year always has me perplexed. I inevitably end up pulling out my riding boots or booties and making do with those. And you know what, that’s totally okay! But this year, I had the opportunity to bring my “un”-cowboy boots and try on a few rodeo-esque styles at Thinking Girls Boutique.
The girls and I had so much fun picking out what we wanted to try on, accessorizing, and snapping a few photos on the catwalk.
If you’re not sure what to wear to the rodeo and those Wranglers don’t quite fit the same as it used to be, you should go check them out!

This is a sponsored post by Thinking Girls Boutique.